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Bluwave >File Upload

Sending us your artwork files couldn't be easier. Just use our upload utility below to transfer your files and creative assets straight to Bluwave.

File Upload
Please pay careful attention to the file formats acceptable shown below. Should you have any concerns or do not understand our file requirements, please get in contact with us on Tel: 020 7277 7663

We know forms can be a pain, so we've tried to make this as fast and fuss-free for you as possible. Here's what you need to do, in a nutshell.

Enter your details in the form fields provided. Click the 'Browse' button next to the file field to add a file for uploading (Maximum of 100MB). For files larger than 100MB please burn your files onto a CD and post them to us. Our address details are here. Secondly, use the 'Upload to:' drop down and select a folder to upload to, alternatively create your own unique folder.

Acceptable >File Formats

RAR Icon RARLAB - .rar Freehand Icon Adobe Freehand - .fh#
(where # is the version release)
Zip Icon WinZip - .zip Tif Icon TIFF - .tif
Illustrator Icon Adobe Illustrator - .ai Word Icon Microsoft Word - .doc
PDF Icon PDF - .pdf Publisher Icon Microsoft Publisher - .pub
Photoshop Icon Adobe Photoshop - .psd powerpoint Icon Microsoft Powerpoint - .ppt
InDesign Icon Adobe InDesign - .indd Excel Icon Microsoft Excel - .xls
Quark Icon Quark Xpress - .qxd Eps Icon Encapsulated Postscript - .eps
JPEG Icon JPEG - .jpg    

Bluwave >Upload Utility

Our upload utility will load in a new window. Click here to upload your files. Upload form

> Professional Printing The Bluwave Group